Lab Mission

To improve human well-being and alleviate suffering using effective, efficient, and accessible psychological interventions grounded in a science of human behavior.



We develop and evaluate interventions informed by data and psychological theories. Our goal is to define effective treatments and their underlying principles so that positive effects can be replicated in different contexts.


We identify how treatments work and how to deliver them precisely—matched to a person in a specific context at a given time. Thus, we study how to streamline effective treatments to minimize redundancy and use resources judiciously.


Effective treatments are limited in utility if they cannot be disseminated and implemented in communities that need them. As such, treatments must be accessible to practicing clinicians and the communities they serve. We strive to integrate replicability and cultural responsiveness into intervention development.

Big Questions

  1. How do we make effective treatments easy to learn to increase adoption by practicing clinicians?

  2. How do we know which evidence-based strategies to use at which point in treatment to maximize treatment response for specific people?

  3. How do we make useful intervention strategies replicable for and relevant to marginalized and underserved groups?

Process-Based Approach to Therapy (PBT)

  1. How do we integrate cultural considerations into PBT?

  2. Does PBT consistently meet its stated goals of reducing suffering and improving well-being?

  3. How can we define PBT to make it replicable while maintaining precision in implementation?

  4. What is the most effective way to increase adoption of PBT?